Why Romal Capital are creating podcasts and what are they about?

These new and exciting podcasts by property developer Romal Capital are designed to provide insightful educational hints and tips for investing in the property market, with the main goal to help individuals confidently know what due diligence is needed in order to buy well.The podcasts will equip investors with a wealth of easy-to-understand knowledge stretching across multiple topics from: understanding ways of protecting your property investments and ensuring you know how to get the best rate of return, to knowing how to buy and what questions to ask before purchasing. Additionally, exploring options that need to be taken into consideration other than location and answering the question of: can I be assured of a good capital gain or rental return or both?Delving into finances and understanding how mortgages and deposits will work post-covid, whilst also covering the macro and micro economic factors of the local area. Furthermore, echoing the significance of researching the property developers, examining what aftersales care is on offer and questioning how well will my buildings be maintained post purchase?A true “how-to-guide” from people with decades of experience in the property industry, who really do care about making sure you and your investment are well looked after, translated into several easy to listen to podcasts.If this sounds like an insightful podcast for you, then click below![fusion_blog layout="grid" blog_grid_columns="3" blog_grid_column_spacing="" blog_masonry_grid_ratio="" blog_masonry_width_double="" equal_heights="no" number_posts="1" post_status="" offset="0" pull_by="tag" cat_slug="" exclude_cats="" tag_slug="podcast-1" exclude_tags="" orderby="date" order="DESC" thumbnail="yes" title="no" title_link="yes" content_alignment="" excerpt="hide" excerpt_length="" strip_html="yes" meta_all="no" meta_author="yes" meta_categories="yes" meta_comments="yes" meta_date="yes" meta_link="yes" meta_tags="yes" scrolling="pagination" grid_box_color="" grid_element_color="" grid_separator_style_type="" grid_separator_color="" padding_top="" padding_right="" padding_bottom="" padding_left="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id=""][/fusion_blog]


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