Liverpool economic overview

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Liverpool economic overview

[/av_textblock][av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='']Liverpool’s economy has grown by 30 per cent since 2005, with £42bn of annual output and a diversified base which protects it from shocks.  There’s a strong pipeline of major infrastructure projects and the city is set fair for a period of continued economic growth.Shipping, tourism, life sciences, automotive manufacture, marine engineering, digital industries and government and health services underpin the economy, with strong growth in business tourism thanks to the city’s huge new waterfront convention and exhibition centre.  Two major car plants work round-the-clock shifts, with their growing supply chains delivering a steady stream of skilled new jobs, whilst the research hubs of major corporates such as global consumer goods giant Unilever, Nipon Sheet Glass and touch screen manufacturer Evoke Creative underpin the area’s top 5 status for patent registrations.Major infrastructure investments include the new Knowledge Quarter, a new cruise liner terminal, a 50,000 seat waterfront stadium for Everton FC, continued expansion of the city’s container port and the anticipated slice of the country’s new warship building programme at our shipyards in Birkenhead.Liverpool Waters – the location for Quay Central - will be vital to the city’s growth as home to both the football stadium and the cruise terminal, as well as planned new offices, hotels and leisure attractions.  Rising house prices and continued growth in hotel construction and room occupation are helping drive investor sentiment and economic growth.  But then, as one of the UK’s top three destination brands (along with London and Edinburgh) that is hardly surprising.[/av_textblock][/av_one_full][/av_section]


Liverpool’s residential property market