Ocean Gateway Scheme - Liverpool Peel Aims To Deliver 50 projects over 50 years with £50bn

Peels Plans include ambitious planning and economic spatial policies, including long-term masterplanning, realigned and reinvigorated support for the delivery of sustainable development, a new approach to public funding that tackles underinvestment in skills and infrastructure, and promotion and incentivisation of private sector investment, particularly in left-behind areas.Projects marked out for further progress from 2020-2025, all supported by partnerships with both the private and public sectors, include:
  • Further growth at the Port of Liverpool having witnessed greater investment at Liverpool2
  • Liverpool John Lennon Airport targeting six million passengers by 2024, building on its Faster Easier Friendlier customer focus
  • 2020 will see the outcome of the public inquiry into a scheme to restore and reinvigorate the historic Hulton Park in Bolton, through the creation of an iconic new international sporting venue and mixed-use community
  • Protos and the Cheshire Energy Hub are at the heart of Peel’s commitment to investment in sustainable resources, complemented by investment in the first phase of a district heating network at Liverpool Waters
  • Long-term sustainability commitments to net zero carbon buildings, zero waste to landfill and a 15% reduction in energy use
  • 5,000 homes delivered in the next three years at Manchester Waters, Trafford Waters, Liverpool Waters and Wirral Waters
  • Delivery of much-needed family and affordable homes, including directly through Peel L&P’s new housebuilding arm Northstone, alongside partnerships with other builders and housing providers
  • RHS Garden Bridgewater – the UK’s fifth national garden is scheduled to open later this year on the site of the historic Worsley New Hall and Gardens
  • A new cruise liner terminal, a new Isle of Man ferry terminal and a new stadium for Everton Football Club, as part of Liverpool Waters
  • A state-of-the-art wellbeing resort and a new EventCity, as part of Peel L&P’s continued development of TraffordCity
  • Further economic growth, new homes and community facilities at MediaCityUK, with plans already approved to double the size of the digital and creative hub by 2030

Bramley Hotel - Proposed Plans Put Forward To Liverpool City Council


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