Construction Update on Romal Capital's next phase - Park Central

[video width="848" height="480" mp4=""][/video]Whilst the team at Romal Capital have been busy welcoming residents to the completed Quay Central, we have also been hard at work next door as phase two, Park Central, continues to progress well.With the piling, ground drainage and steel frame all completed, together with the stairs installed to level 13, June saw the start of the mechanical and engineering fit out on.Progress has since continued with external brick work commencing and window installation taking place  alongside interior fit out of the bathroom and kitchens to the lower levels.This means that we are continuing to build to schedule and we are on course to finish Park Central in March 2020.We are very happy with the progress and quality of the work and we look forward updating you further next month and being able to show you pictures of inside the apartments.Until then please enjoy the latest time lapse of the last 4 months of the construction of Park Central.   


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