Stadium update on Everton's Bramley-Moore Dock Move

Everton CEO Denise Barrett-Baxendale has delivered an update to 50,000 Blues fans on the club's proposed Bramley-Moore Dock move.The updates on Bramley-Moore Dock and Goodison Park are eagerly received.The CEO explains that:

  • Engagement with local residents of L4 will start this summer on the Goodison Park legacy.
  • The club is close to confirming the appointment of a new Stadium Project Director.
  • No final decisions on capacity or final detailed designs have been made and fans will be further consulted before final commitments are made.
  • There has been progress in work to secure finance but while the club continues to work with Liverpool City Council, it is also continuing to explore other options.
  • More engagement and consultation with fans on both the Bramley-Moore and Goodison Park projects is planned.

 Barrett-Baxendale said: "Delivering a new waterfront home for Everton at Bramley-Moore Dock and a suitable lasting legacy for Goodison Park is one of the main priorities of the Board of Directors and something we are absolutely committed to delivering."Our new home on the waterfront will not only be a fantastic new stadium for Everton but also kick-start a £1bn regeneration of North Liverpool."We’re proud to be the catalyst for significant numbers of new homes, jobs and infrastructure - as well as introducing our world-famous waterfront to billions of Premier League fans on a regular basis."It is vital we get the right design and capacity at Bramley-Moore Dock and that the project remains affordable."No final decisions on either the capacity or final detailed designs have been made but your input into this process has been vital and I can assure you that we will consult further on these matters before final commitments are made."There has been progress in our work to secure finance for our new home. We are continuing to work with Liverpool City Council, as well as continuing to explore other options to secure the money needed to take the project forward."Barrett-Baxendale added: "I fully appreciate that all our fans want more regular updates from us on the new stadium project, and I thank you all for your patience to date.For the full story please click here.


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