The maritime economy

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The maritime economy

[/av_textblock][av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='']Liverpool is the only deep sea port on the UK’s west coast, recognised by government and industry as vital to its Northern Powerhouse programme.  If the country joins NAFTA on its exit from the EU then, as the dominant port in North American trade, Liverpool’s maritime economy will enjoy further rapid growth.The city’s maritime sector already accounts for £2.7bn of annual economic output and sustains more than 27,000 jobs – a figure which grows each year thanks to substantial investment in its new deep sea container port.The port’s success is driving more than £1bn of investment in intermodal infrastructure, as well as sustaining a large and well-paid professional workforce: Liverpool is the UK and European HQ of major shipping lines such as Maersk, ACL, Bibby Line, CMA CGM, Hapag Lloyd and CSAV.A huge number of skilled and well-paid engineering jobs are sustained by the city’s thriving shipbuilding and ship repair industry, focused around the shipyards of Cammell Laird, and the new cruise liner terminal will bring more than 200 additional cruise liners to the city each summer.[/av_textblock][/av_one_full][/av_section]


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