The tourism economy

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The tourism economy

[/av_textblock][av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='']Liverpool is in the top 3 UK cities for brand recognition amongst overseas visitors thanks to The Beatles, Titanic and its globally-successful soccer club – all of which fuel a thriving tourism industry that has driven a construction and employment boom in new hotels, restaurants, bars and visitor attractions.The city’s visitor economy now sustains more than 51,000 jobs and accounts for £4.3bn annual economic output.Infrastructure construction near Quay Central is now underway for the stunning new cruise liner terminal that will turn Liverpool in to the UK’s No 2 cruise port, handling more than 260 liner visits per season.  The move is driving further investment in hotel stock to cater for the increase in overnight stays this will generate, drawing more workers in to the city.Liverpool John Lennon Airport continues to grow, serving more than 70 European destinations, including most of its capital cities, and bringing millions of overseas visitors to our shores each year.By 2025 forecasts suggest 23% growth in visitor nights; growth of 49% in tourism jobs; and a 10% hike in hotel occupancy.  In the context of Quay Central the growth in population and employment is perhaps the most striking feature of the city’s tourism boom.[/av_textblock][/av_one_full][/av_section]


Liverpool Clipper 2017 - 2018 Worlds Yacht Race Festival


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